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Wood Sprite, 1931
Driftwood on ebony

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

During his early years as an artist, Fredericks carved several tall thin figures in wood. A few were carved from old fence posts the artist acquired. …

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Considered by Fredericks to be “his greatest challenge,” the figure of Christ took him four years to complete. Funded by contributions from over 10,000 summer visitors to the shrine, the twenty-eight foot corpus symbolizes a Christ on the cross…

Bronze with green patina on black marble base. Resting on the hand are two birds with wings extended ready to take off in flight and a male figure resting on his back.

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Bronze on granite, 16 feet including base. Located at the Holden Museum of Living Reptiles, Detroit Zoological Institute, Royal Oak, Michigan.

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Bronze on granite, 16 feet including base. Located at the Holden Museum of Living Reptiles, Detroit Zoological Institute, Royal Oak, Michigan.

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Inspired by the verse, "The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation" (Revelation 22:2), the aluminum relief is located on the facade of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan.

It was awarded the Gold Medal in Sculpture by…

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Inspired by the verse, "The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation" (Revelation 22:2), the aluminum relief is located on the facade of William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan.

It was awarded the Gold Medal in Sculpture by…

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Considered by Fredericks to be “his greatest challenge,” the figure of Christ took him four years to complete. Funded by contributions from over 10,000 summer visitors to the shrine, the twenty-eight foot corpus symbolizes a Christ on the cross…

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Considered by Fredericks to be “his greatest challenge,” the figure of Christ took him four years to complete. Funded by contributions from over 10,000 summer visitors to the shrine, the twenty-eight foot corpus symbolizes a Christ on the cross…

Item #746.jpg
Considered by Fredericks to be “his greatest challenge,” the figure of Christ took him four years to complete. Funded by contributions from over 10,000 summer visitors to the shrine, the twenty-eight foot corpus symbolizes a Christ on the cross…
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