Browse Items (76 total)

A box of butterflies for making head armatures. Made of wood and metal wire.

Plaster of a nude male figure reaching toward the sky. He appears to be standing on a planet that looks like the moon. For People's Outfitting Company, Detroit. Plaster figure stands on wood base.

Wood Sprite.jpg
1930, black walnut fence rail on ebony base, 38 inches.

Portrait of an Old Man.jpg
1929, black walnut, 23 1/4 inches.

Fredericks executed several wood carvings during his early career including this sculpture made during his senior year at the Cleveland School of Art or while traveling in Europe during his Matzen Fellowship.

Item #1478.jpg
Plaster, wood and metal site model.

Architectural drawings for the Henry and Edsel Ford Auditorium include a proposal, c. 1956, for a Tracy W. McGregor Memorial Fountain that incorporates this design; a revised version was proposed for Shain Park…

Item #1483.jpg
Plaster, wood and metal site model.

Architectural drawings for the Henry and Edsel Ford Auditorium include a proposal, c. 1956, for a Tracy W. McGregor Memorial Fountain that incorporates this design; a revised version was proposed for Shain Park…
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