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Close-up of drawing of hood ornament for Chrysler Corporation.tif
During the 1950s, Fredericks worked with automobile companies, designing hood ornaments for Chrysler Motors, General Motors Corporation, and Studebaker-Packard Corporation.

Drawing of hood ornament for Chrysler Corporation.tif
During the 1950s, Fredericks worked with automobile companies, designing hood ornaments for Chrysler Motors, General Motors Corporation, and Studebaker-Packard Corporation.

Armature on wood base of an eagle with wings upward. Armature made of plaster, wire and has some clay residue on it.

Three plaster small round eagle reliefs on a wood base.

Eagle relief on a plaster rectangular block attached to a two tiered particle board wood base. Similar in style to the Eaton Eagle, the head is almost identical.

Graphite on tracing paper
23.75" x 18.75"

During the 1950s, Fredericks worked with automobile companies, designing hood ornaments for Chrysler Motors, General Motors Corporation, and Studebaker-Packard Corporation.

Two piece plaster mold, no rubber mold. Triangle column on triangular plinth. Written on mold is "Eagle Base". Plastic zip ties bind the mold halves.

Four piece plaster, four piece black rubber mold with wax core. Written on mold is "Fredericks Medallion Eagle". Plastic zip ties bind the mold halves.

Bronze relief of Eaton Eagle, small-scale with copper colored patina with the inscription "In honor of the men of this organization who gave their lives for their country"

"Free-form reliefs in metal upon a contrasting stone background, as…

Small plaster mold with rubber and red wax core. Mold has a wreath used in the Eaton Memorial sketch model.
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