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Two large cut out photographs of John Kennedy used for the portrait bust.

Plaster portrait relief of John M. Dorsey. Text on the mold is "John M. Dorsey MD 1900-1978 Wayne State University 1946-1978".

Plaster portait blank of John M. Dorsey. The outline of the figure is still visible. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. Text on the plaster is "John M. Dorsey MD 1900-1978 Wayne State University 1946-1978".

Plaster relief mold for plaster portrait relief of John M. Dorsey. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster. Text on the mold is "John M. Dorsey MD 1900-1978 Wayne State University 1946-1978".

Item #759.jpg
Interior of church at Indian River Catholic Shrine in Indian River, Michigan.

Juggler Clown, 1938
Bronze, cast 1988

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Although the first clowns date back to ancient times, the descendants of modern clowns were the traveling minstrels of the Middle Ages. They wore…

Plaster 1/4 scale model for Jugler Clown. One of several clowns sculpted by Fredericks. This clown is the Juggler Clown and is depicted in the act of juggling with a ball in each hand and one balanced on his nose.

Plaster 1/4 scale model for Juggler Clown with the balls unattached but they are in the base of the figure.

Juggler Clown armature made of wood and polystyrene. Armature is in two sections.

Arm mold for Juggler Clown plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and wax core. Written on one of the molds is "Juggler Fredericks".
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