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Item #1085.jpg
The Fountain, also known as the "Cleveland War Memorial", is composed of a large granite basin set with bronze plaques containing the names of men and women who gave their lives for their country. Located within the basin are four granite carvings…

Close-up view of three reliefs on the Ohio Union Building at Ohio State University.jpg
Three of the six limestone reliefs for the Ohio Union Building, Ohio State University, Columbus.

The Ohio Union reliefs won an Honorable Mention in Sculpture from the Architectural League of New York in 1955.

Item #4101.jpg
Mrs. Dorothy (Honey) Arbury studied with Fredericks when she attended Kingswood School at the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in the 1930s. She met him through her uncle, Alden B. Dow, a prominent architect in Midland,…

Clown Musicians, 1937
Bronze, cast 1988

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Although the first clowns date back to ancient times, the descendants of modern clowns were the traveling minstrels of the Middle Ages. They wore…

Plaster model of two clowns back to back , off center joined at shoulder. They appear to be singing. This is the model for Clown Musicians.

Two piece plaster mold with rubber inner mold and wax core.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Written on mold is "bad mold double clown". Two metal wire bands hold the mold together.

Plaster mother mold with red rubber mold inside and layer of wax inside. Two piece mold strapped together with plastic. Written on mold is "Double clown New 10/88" Plastic zip ties bind the mold together.

Two piece (four section) black rubber with plaster mother mold. "Freder", "New 10/88" and "Old 86" written with marker on outer shell "ricks" on other side. A plastic zip tie holds the mold together.

Plaster and rubber mold, "Fredericks Clown Foot" is written on mold.
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