Relief of four large steer going back in space with a small young steer at the bottom left.
4 steers painted dark green. Back of plaque had some writing on it. Appears to be "To Rosalind my (unreadable) Marshall Fredericks June 29, 1946".
Shellacked, darkened sheep relief. 3 medium sheep on top, 1 medium sheep to right middle, 2 small sheep on bottom right corner, and 1 large sheep at left bottom.
Small round plaster mold with a brown rubber mold and a red wax core. Written on mold is "Marshall Fredericks eagle medallion stall B". A plastic zip tie holds the mold together.
Plaster model for early inspiration for Lion and Mouse. There is a bronze of this in the main gallery. This is mounted on a wood board tied with a piece of twine to hold it in place.
"The lion and the monkey was Marshall's first attempt and he…
Wood base with 4 holes drilled for displaying the head of the Flying Wild Geese. Dark wood finish. Has "Front" and "Head of Flying Wild Geese" written on masking tape which is adhered to the surface.