Browse Items (8302 total)

Plaster model of Christ. This is about 1/8th scale. Arms are not attached. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Model for Flying Wild Geese fountain. Model is made of clay, wire and wood under a Plexiglas case. The model os painted green.

6.75" x 10.5"

This 21-foot high relief is located above the entrance of the John Weld Peck Federal Building in Cincinnati, Ohio. The eagle is cast in aluminum and the 13 gold anodized stars surrounding it represent the 13 original…

Plaster model for Spirit of Detroit. This model is a rough sketch model with a plaster family and no deity.

Graphite on tracing paper
12" x 18"

This 21-foot high relief is located above the entrance of the John Weld Peck Federal Building in Cincinnati, Ohio. The eagle is cast in aluminum and the 13 gold anodized stars surrounding it represent the 13…

Cube shaped block of wood. The top has been tooled and may have been a base for a sculpture.


Sepia print
12" x 18"

This 21-foot high relief is located above the entrance of the John Weld Peck Federal Building in Cincinnati, Ohio. The eagle is cast in aluminum and the 13 gold anodized stars surrounding it represent the 13 original…

Three piece plaster mold with yellow rubber interior mold. "God M. Fredericks" written on the outside. Mold is bound together with plastic zip ties.

Graphite on tracing paper
12.5" x 5.25"

Fredericks designed this series for a national products competition in 1939 in hopes that they would be placed on a government building in Washington DC, but the building was never built. The series…

Two part mold held together with a plastic strap.
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