Tassel mold for peace pipe for small-scale Black Elk. Mold is wrapped in bubble wrap. "Peace Pipe mold" is written on the masking tape that holds the bubble wrap together.
Plaster peace pipe mold for small-scale Black Elk. Mold is wrapped in bubble wrap. "Black Elk peace pipe mold" is written on the masking tape that holds the bubble wrap together.
Relief of half eagle on the left side and half oak leaves on the right, with unfinished edge. The word "Drying" is written on the lip of the relief. There is also the number "3565" stamped into the plaster in reverse. Inscribed on the relief is…
Base for Flying Wild Geese in wood crate. Written on the top is "This side up, lay flat, Base for Flying Wild Geese Marshall Fredericks, do not stack more than 20 pounds on top".