Plaster mold that has the seal of the state of Michigan as well as a relief mold of a steer and a large set of scales. Yellowish color is from shellac used to seal the plaster.
The three reliefs are unrelated to one another and it is not knows why…
Template for medallions and portrait plaques. There is a pin in the center that can be fastened to clay and then the template is spun around 360 degrees to rough out the shape.
Template for medallions and portrait plaques. A pin can be placed in the center and can be fastened to clay and then the template is spun around 360 degrees to rough out the shape.
Template for medallions and portrait plaques. A pin can be placed in the center and can be fastened to clay and then the template is spun around 360 degrees to rough out the shape.
Template for medallions and portrait plaques. There is a pin in the center that can be fastened to clay and then the template is spun around 360 degrees to rough out the shape.