Plaster model for "Edwin Denby and Edwin Denby Jr. Portrait Plaque". The bronze plaque hangs in Denby Technical Preparatory High School in Detroit, Michigan.
Inscription reads: Edwin Denby 1870-1929 Edwin Denby Jr. 1912-1942 United in Service for…
Part of the "Family and Justice Reliefs," five scenes in fourteen courtrooms, City-County Building (now the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center), Detroit.
Plaster model part of the "Family and Justice Reliefs," five scenes in fourteen courtrooms, City-County Building (now the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center), Detroit.
Mrs. Dorothy (Honey) Arbury studied with Fredericks when she attended Kingswood School at the Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, in the 1930s. She met him through her uncle, Alden B. Dow, a prominent architect in Midland,…