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Two piece plaster mold, no rubber mold. Triangle column on triangular plinth. Written on mold is "Eagle Base". Plastic zip ties bind the mold halves.

Four piece plaster, four piece black rubber mold with wax core. Written on mold is "Fredericks Medallion Eagle". Plastic zip ties bind the mold halves.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Written on the mold is "Warrior 1 of 2". Mold is bound with a metal wire.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Written on the mold is "Warrior 1 of 2". Mold is bound with a metal wire.

Set of two kneeling nude male book ends. They are kneeling on one knee with the elbow resting on the knee. Matching bookend is 2000.179.001 This warrior carries his sword in his right hand. The plaster is darkened perhaps from shellac used to…

Plaster mold for the base of American Eagle, triangular form.

American Eagle plaster with rubber inner wing mold. Written on mold is "marshall wings". Molds are held together with wire.

Plaster and rubber mold in 4 pieces for body portion of eagle. Mold is held together with rope.

Two piece (four section) black rubber with plaster mother mold. "Freder", "New 10/88" and "Old 86" written with marker on outer shell "ricks" on other side. A plastic zip tie holds the mold together.

Plaster mother mold with red rubber mold inside and layer of wax inside. Two piece mold strapped together with plastic. Written on mold is "Double clown New 10/88" Plastic zip ties bind the mold together.
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