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A round plaster medallion of a capital building and the arch of St. Louis. Landscape is in 1 point perspective to the capital building. Text on relief is "Gateway to the West".

Plaster Full-Scale of the Young Knight. Written on the back of the plaster is "Young Knight" and the piece is signed "Marshall Fredericks 1949" on the bottom near the leg.

Portrait relief of man, Dexter Ferry, looking to he right in profile. Signed "Marshall Fredericks 19[??]"

Plaster torso of the front half of the Torso of a Dancer in plaster.

Plaster relief cast for Grape, Oak and Wheat that is green in color.

Plaster relief cast of Grapes, oak leaf and stalk of wheat are represented in this relief. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

Five pointed star on wood base. Star is not attached to the wood. The star was used for the McMorran Fountain.

Plaster relief seal for City of Detroit.

City of Detroit Seal
Plaster, galvanized pipe

This model of the City of Detroit Seal includes two female figures with arms outstretched standing in the middle of this medallion. One woman stands…

Plaster portrait relief of Peter Austin Whyte surrounded by 14 five pointed stars.

Plaster portrait relief of John A. MacDonald. Text on the relief is "John A MacDonald Visionary, Humanitarian, Friend".
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