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bird armature (8).jpg
Bird armature made from wire and plaster mounted on a square aluminum rod attached to a marble base.

bird armature.jpg
Bird armature made from wire and plaster mounted on an octogonal shaped white wood base.

Animal Kingdoms

Fish Kingdom, 1987
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Mammal Kingdom (seal), 1987
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Reptile Kingdom…

Birth of the Atomic Age, 1959
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

The atom is the symbol of one of mankind's most dramatic achievements. It symbolizes the awesome challenge of the Atomic Age. In this…

Plaster small-scale nude male figure standing on a fluted base. He is missing the metal atom-like object that he holds above his head. His pose is elongated as if reaching upward.

Originally installed in 1959, is conserved and rededicated at…

Birth of the Atomic Age, 1959

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Silver plated miniature of Birth of the Atomic Age. nude male figure standing on a fluted base. He holds a stainless steel object in his…

Clay bison without a head on wood base.

Black Belgian marble Torso of a Dancer at an unidentified location.jpg
After modeling the Torso of a Dancer in about 1934, Fredericks carved it in Belgian black marble for the Cranbrook Art Museum in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He subsequently used the original plaster model to create several bronze casts.

The nude…

Wood Full-Scale armature for Black Elk
1 Front section with head and front legs of buffalo
2 Hump and shoulder section
3 lower body of Black Elk and the mid section of the buffalo
4 hind quarters and rear section
5 midsection of Black…

Black Elk: Homage to the Great Spirit

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Black Elk (1863-1950) was a holy man of the Ogallala Sioux and a spiritual leader for all North American Indians. Black Elk Speaks,…
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