Edwin Denby, Relief, [Plaster]

Dublin Core


Edwin Denby, Relief, [Plaster]


Figure sculpture, American--20th century


Plaster portrait relief of Edwin Denby showing him as a young man then as an older man. Text on the relief says "Edwin Denby 1870-1929".

DENBY, Edwin, (grandson of Graham Newell Fitch), a Representative from Michigan; born in Evansville, Vanderburg County, Indiana, February 18, 1870; attended the Michigan public schools; went to China in 1885 with his father, who was a United States Minister; employed in the Chinese imperial maritime customs service 1887-1894; returned to the United States in 1894; was graduated from the law department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1896; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Detroit in 1896; during the war with Spain served as a gunner's mate, third class, United States Navy, on the Yosemite; member of the state house of representatives in 1903; elected as a Republican to the Fifty-ninth, Sixtieth, and Sixty-first Congresses (March 4, 1905-3, 1911); unsuccessful candidate for reelection in 1910 to the Sixty-second Congress; resumed the practice of law in Detroit; also engaged in banking with various other business enterprises; President of the Detroit Charter Omission in 1913 and 1914; president of the Detroit Board of Commerce in 1916 and 1917; enlisted as a private in the United States Marine Corps in 1917; retired as major in the United States Marine Corps Reserve in 1919; appointed chief probations officer in the recorder's court of the city of Detroit and in the circuit court of Wayne County in 1920; appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Harding and served from March 4, 1921, until March 10, 1924, when he resigned in the aftermath of the Teapot Dome scandal; again resumed the practice of law and various business enterprises; died in Detroit, Michigan, February 8, 1929; interment in Elmwood Cemetery.


Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998




Use of this image requires permission from the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum


Relief Sculpture


University Center (Mich.)

Sculpture Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

28" x 19" x 2"



Catalog Number


Object Location

Sculptors Studio


11/15/2000 gifted to MFSM

March/April 2003 relocated to Sculptor's Studio




Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998, “Edwin Denby, Relief, [Plaster],” Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, accessed March 4, 2025, https://omeka.svsu.edu/items/show/6512.