Christ and the Children [Plaster]

Dublin Core


Christ and the Children [Plaster]


Figure sculpture, American--20th century


Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

This relief was commissioned for the St. John's Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. In a letter from Mr. Harold Gerbers to Marshall dated February 25, 1960, it states:

"Dear Mr. Fredericks, National Sculpture Society, through Mr. Witherspoon has presented me with literature pertaining especially to beautiful work that you have completed. I had requested help in possibly having a bas-relief depicting Christ with the children at his feet on the façade of our proposed new school.

After seeing pictures of tremendously fine works of art that you have done for future generations to enjoy, I hesitate to even ask such a famous person to consider our request.

Having Christ stand out on the front of our school with small children at his feet with maybe a child on his knee would be a tremendous feature of our Lutheran school where Christ would be a main part of all subjects taught.

I have no idea what cost would be and materials would depend on the cost. My hope is that with the bit of material I am submitting that you might possibly give me a rough estimate as to cost on several possibilities.

We are not a wealthy congregation and our school is quite an undertaking for us. People probably won't like "extras" but maybe some of us could undertake paying for the proposed project if it does not frighten us all together with "figures" out of reach. Thank you for your consideration. Cordially, Harold H. Gerbers"

Fredericks, of course, accepted the commission. Another bronze of this same relief is on the facade of the Museum in the Sculpture Garden.


Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998




Use of this image requires permission from the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum




University Center (Mich.)

Sculpture Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

84" x 91"


Plaster full-scale

Catalog Number


Object Location

Main Exhibit Gallery


03/22/1989 gifted to MFSM


TITLE: Christ and the Children


MEASUREMENTS: 87"h x 96"w x 10" deep

DATES: Completed 1962; cast 1989; purchased 1995; installed 1996

SIGNATURE/FOUNDRY MARKS w/lo: c Marshall M. Fredericks
incised in clay bottom center
DESCRIPTION: Two children stand before a robed Christ who kneels and looks proper right. Christ holds his hands up, palms out, behind the children. The girl is robed and holds a bird. The boy (who is nude) leans on Christ's proper left knee. Facial features are generalized and the sculptural forms are simple and broad, particularly Christ's robe, although Fredericks' characteristic "raked" surface treatment is evident on close inspection. Patina is medium brown.

CONDITION: Generally good, but there is a 1 inch x 2 inch bright bronze spot on bottom edge of Christ's proper right knee where relief appears to have been abraded (perhaps during shipment). Toe of Christ's proper rt. sandal is also bright. Girl's proper rt. foot was broken during storage at Fredericks' stable and was welded by Todd Erickson (C.C.S. Sculpture Faculty). Welding join across Christ's foot and sandal is cracked for about 3 inches from inside edge. Bright green corrosion is evident in several spots: Two one-inch streaks on Christ's robe 5 and 12 inches from bottom, Four spots on Christ's right sleeve, Four spots on Christ's left shin, band of spots around boy's waist, and several spots on Christ's left sleeve. Corrosion removed w/brass wire brush and waxed 6/96.

PHOTOGRAPHS/SLIDES/VIDEOS: Photos and slides made 6/96

PROVENANCE: Collection of the artist 1989-1995
Gallery purchase 12/95 w/funds from anonymous donor


LOCATION OF REPLICAS w/materials and dates: Aluminum cast installed on St. John's Lutheran Church, Parish Education Building, Tabard. Wayne, IN in 1962. Bronze cast installed on St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic Church, Bloomfield Hills, MI in 1989. Plaster original MFSG.

OTHER INBY: Cast by Bedi-Makky, 1989, at the same time the cast was made for St. Hugs.

Data sheet compiled by Michael W. Panhorst 6-14-96




Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998, “Christ and the Children [Plaster],” Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, accessed March 18, 2025,