Two men appear in relief on this sculpture. The younger, in the front, and the elder in the rear. Both are looking to the right. The younger man has a full head of hair while the older Alexander Blain man has a goatee and a bald head. Inscribed…
Bronze portrait relief in wood frame crate. The text on the relief is "Dexter M Ferry Jr Business and Civic Leader Philanthropist and Patron of the Arts".
Plaster relief of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Medallion obverse. The medallion features a frontiersman standing with proper right hand over head holding gun in proper left hand. Text written on the medallion is "Jefferson National…
"Many will recall the "Portrait of A Japanese," a bronze by young Marshall Fredericks which took the first prize for sculpture in the May show at the Cleveland Museum of Art last Spring. The inspiration for the head came from a Japanese student…