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Plaster triangular base mounted on wood board. This is for the angle of the Flying Pterodactyls.

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Plaster base for Fountain of Eternal Life. There is some detail on the sphere and flames on the top. A series of lines are drawn on from the center that extend to the edge.

Plaster base with same angel like image on 2 sides. There is some markings for text but not readable.

Multiple star base for Star Dream. This is composed of paper board.

Triangular plaster base with hole.

Round plaster fluted base. This is used for the Fountain of Eternal Life.

Two section plaster mold for the base of the Floyd Star portrait held together with twine. Written on the mold surface is "Starr base".

Plaster base for the head of Floyd Star. Hexagonal in shape with a hole in the center to mount the head.

Two plaster bases for 1/3 scale. One base has "I, II, III, 4 and 5" written on it as well as a small pink package that has "spaces between base swan feal" written on it.

Item #892.jpg
Plasteline model of the sphere for the base of the central figure for the “Cleveland War Memorial: Fountain of Eternal Life”.
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