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Plaster blank with beaded edge.
Plaster blanks could be used several times for different sculptures.

This round plaster blank with inset beading on the edge was used for sculpting at least three sculpture reliefs. The ghost images visible on…

Plaster relief of Veterans Memorial Building Eagle. There are a lot of pencil marks on this. All around the eagle is pencil markings and there are words at the top. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.

A series of Abraham Lincoln medallions in plaster, and a rubber mold. Three of the plaster medallions have no text. The rubber mold and the positive made from it have the words "Abraham Lincoln" on them.

Plaster blank for Henry S. Booth.

Plaster portrait relief of Jack Ryder. Text on the mold is "Jack McBride Ryder 1974 - 1989 President Saginaw Valley State Universisty".

A plaster bust of an unknown man. The back portion on the head was left unsculpted. The head is on a wood base.

Plaster portrait head of Frank Horton. There is no base.

American-Canadian Numismatic Association plaster relief. Inscribed on the relief is "American Canadian Numismatic Association".

Plaster pool for yellow slide model. Oval in shape.
Yellow slide with metal ladder and pins to mount to plaster pool.

Round plaster relief of Eaton eagle obverse and reverse.

Based on the Eaton War Memorial Eagle, this medallion was created for a 3 inch bronze medallion. The reverse of the coin contained the following inscription: "In honor of the men of this…
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