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Freedom of the Human Spirit, 1964
One third scale model
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Fredericks is quoted explaining the Freedom of the Human Spirit:

"I tried to take the male and female figures…

Two nude figures with arms outstretched float upon the geese. They appear to ascend from the ground toward the sky leaving behind a plume or air. The woman rises above the male figure.

"In Flushing, New York, On the grounds of the old site of…

Original model for Freedom of the Human Spirit. This model is in several pieces. There are 3 geese, the male and female figures, 2 pieces to the spires and a small box that contains the braids of the female. The yellowish discoloring is from…

Plaster mold with blue rubber inner mold and red wax core. Two piece plaster and two piece blue silicon wax core. Written on mold is "Freedom on the Human Spirit Female" Mold held together with plastic zip ties.

Several plaster sections of the full-scale Freedom of the Human Spirit sculpture.

The Freedom of the Human Spirit, 1985

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Plaster mold with blue rubber inner mold and red wax core. Written on mold is "Marshall Fredericks Freedom on the Human Spirit " There is some red wax residue on the mold's surface. The mold is bound with a plastic zip tie.

Plaster mold with blue rubber inner mold and red wax core. Two piece plaster and two piece blue silicon wax core. Written on mold is "Marshall Fredericks Freedom on the Human Spirit " There is some red wax residue on the surface of the mold. The…

Plaster mold with blue rubber inner mold and red wax core. Written on mold is "Freedom of the Human Spirit " Attached to the mold is an envelope containing two small rubber pieces. Envelope says "Freedom of the Human Spirit, two rubber molds these…

Plaster mold with blue rubber inner mold and red wax core. Two piece plaster and two piece blue silicon wax core. Written on mold is "Freedom on the Human Spirit " Mold has some red wax residue on the surface. Mold is bound with plastic zip ties.…
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