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Small scale plaster sketch model for the Cleveland War Memorial Eastern Civilization monolith.

Various images from India and Hindu icons. Represented are Ganesh and the Buddha. Monkeys are also represented because Mr. Fredericks said there are a…

Two piece plaster and black rubber mold held together by wire. "Cleveland Sketch" written on mold.

This is an early plaster sketch model for Fountain of Eternal LIfe which later was rejected and became Star Dream. This is the female section of the sculpture. The section of leg that is missing is found on the male section to this model.

Plaster sketch model for Fountain of Eternal life. Tall, thin nude male figure rising out of the flames with right hand reaching toward the sky.

Sculpture of a tall slender male stretching into the sky from flames. This is a sketch model for the center figure for the Fountain of Eternal Life.

8 pieces of flame mold are located in an old butter cookie tin. "Cleveland Flames Mould" is written on the tin. These small rubber molds were used to create the flames for the small-scale sculpture.

Fountain of Eternal Life: Peace
Arising from the Flames of War, 1964
Cleveland War Memorial, inch to foot scale
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Plaster and rubber mold held together by wire. "North Civ." written on mold.

Small scale model in plaster of orb from Fountain of Eternal Life. The surface is shellac or mold release stained. There is a hole in the top center for placement of the central figure.

Plaster sketch model of nude male figure for the early model of Fountain of Eternal LIfe. This attaches to the female model. The yellowish discoloring is from shellac used to seal the plaster.
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