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Rear view of aluminum hands for Youth in the Hands of God.tif
The façade of the New Dallas Public Library contained an 880-pound, 20 foot high aluminum sculpture by Marshall Fredericks entitled "Youth in the Hands of God." Symbolizing "the hands of God supporting youth reaching for learning through the medium…

Aluminum hands for Youth in the Hands of God.tif
The façade of the New Dallas Public Library contained an 880-pound, 20 foot high aluminum sculpture by Marshall Fredericks entitled "Youth in the Hands of God." Symbolizing "the hands of God supporting youth reaching for learning through the medium…

Aluminum head of the youth figure for Youth in the Hands of God.tif
The façade of the New Dallas Public Library contained an 880-pound, 20 foot high aluminum sculpture by Marshall Fredericks entitled "Youth in the Hands of God." Symbolizing "the hands of God supporting youth reaching for learning through the medium…

Side view of the head of the youth figure for Youth in the Hands of God.tif
The façade of the New Dallas Public Library contained an 880-pound, 20 foot high aluminum sculpture by Marshall Fredericks entitled "Youth in the Hands of God." Symbolizing "the hands of God supporting youth reaching for learning through the medium…

Head of the youth figure for Youth in the Hands of God.tif
The façade of the New Dallas Public Library contained an 880-pound, 20 foot high aluminum sculpture by Marshall Fredericks entitled "Youth in the Hands of God." Symbolizing "the hands of God supporting youth reaching for learning through the medium…

Front view of Nobuji Yoshida (Portrait of a Japanese).jpg
Fredericks completed this sculpture after graduation from the Cleveland School of Art while traveling and studying in Germany in 1931. The subject appears to have been a Japanese student Fredericks met in Europe.

Frontside view of Nobuji Yoshida (Portrait of a Japanese).jpg
Fredericks completed this sculpture after graduation from the Cleveland School of Art while traveling and studying in Germany in 1931. The subject appears to have been a Japanese student Fredericks met in Europe.

Two unidentified men view Young Knight.jpg
1949, German silver, 30 x 16 1/2 inches, part of War Memorial at Ottawa Hills School, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Marshall Fredericks and others at the dedication of Young Knight.jpg
1949, German silver, 30 x 16 1/2 inches, part of War Memorial at Ottawa Hills School, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

View of plaque with names of deceased which accopanies Young Knight.tif
1949, German silver, 30 x 16 1/2 inches, part of War Memorial at Ottawa Hills School, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
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