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Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Written on mold is "steers".

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Steers, 1939
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Marshall designed the series for a national competition in 1939 in hopes that they would be placed on a government building in Washington DC, but the…

For Rackham Building, Detroit, Michigan. Marble relief is above entrance to The Engineering Society of Detroit entrance.

Two men are depicted standing on iron I-beams. One man has what looks like a device for riving in his right hand. The man…

Steel plaster tool with one rounded oval shaped end. The other end has broken off.

Steel plaster tool with two ends. Both ends are scoop like and sharp.

Steel plaster tool with one narrow scoop like end and the other a wider scoop like end.

Two ended plaster tool. One both ends are scoop like and sharp. Shank is wrapped by an unknown casing.

Two ended plaster tool. One end is rounded and the other has a chisel like tip.

Steel plaster tool with two ends. One end is curved and rounded at tip and the other is curved and blunt at tip.

Plaster tool with one end. Other end looks to have been broken off. Remaining end is flat and tapered to a blunt end.
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