Pony Express Rider, Indian Rider, Indian and Bears, Indian, Deer and Wolves [Plaster]

Dublin Core


Pony Express Rider, Indian Rider, Indian and Bears, Indian, Deer and Wolves [Plaster]


Animal sculpture--20th century


Pony Express Rider, 1955
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Indian Rider, 1955
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Indian and Bears, 1955
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Indian, Deer and Wolves, 1955
Plaster original

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

This relief series was originally created c. 1940, and cast in bronze, c. 1955. Marshall designed these reliefs with hopes of getting a commission in the western United States. These are the only sketch models in the scale of one inch to one foot. They were intended to be 10' high and carved in stone. The bronze casts were located in Fredericks home.

Images of the four reliefs can be seen on page 115 of the book Marshall M. Fredericks, Sculptor.


Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998




Use of this image requires permission from the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum




University Center (Mich.)

Sculpture Item Type Metadata

Physical Dimensions

All 4 measure 20.75" x 9.5"



Catalog Number


Object Location

Main Exhibit Gallery


1989 March, 22 Gift to Museum and SVSU Board of Control


Pony Express Rider, 1955
Plaster original
The pony express was how mail was delivered before the east and west USA was connected by railroads and safe from the Natives.

Indian Rider, 1955
Plaster original
It relates in style to the pony express and the horse faces the pony express horse. Cactus can be seen in the lower left indicating the southwest, where cactus is found in the US.

Indian and Bears, 1955
Plaster original
A heavily stylized Native American stands erect praying and facing the sun in worship. Two bears are seen in the lower right the tops of their heads face the viewer.

Indian, Deer, and Wolves, 1955
Plaster original
A heavily stylized native American covered in a blanket cloak stands with a deer and two wolves in this composition. Vegetation can be seen in the upper left of the composition.

The two top reliefs of this series of four are Indian and Bears and Indian, Deer, and Wolves. They are both abstracted images and relate in style (geometric) to each other.

The two bottom reliefs of this series of four are Pony Express Rider and Indian Rider. They relate more thematically and stylistically than the top two. They have more curvilinear features and the horses face each other.

Molly Barth copy:
Fredericks made these four plaster reliefs, The Pony Express Rider, Indian Rider, The Indian with the Deer and Wolves, and Indian with Sun and Bears, with the intention of enlarging them and carving them in stone. The only replicas of these plasters are the bronze casts Fredericks has at his home.




Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998, “Pony Express Rider, Indian Rider, Indian and Bears, Indian, Deer and Wolves [Plaster],” Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, accessed March 6, 2025, https://omeka.svsu.edu/items/show/5128.