Plaster model of a seated baboon with legs apart and hands resting on knees. This is very similar to baboon #1 except the head is looking to the right. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.
Plaster model of a seated baboon with arms crossing the knees and hands interlocker. This is a female baboon. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.
Two piece plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold. Written on the mold is "Fredericks Baboon w. Baby". Mold has two plastic zip ties holding the mold together.
Plaster model of a young baboon sitting on a half sphere. His proper right hand is over his proper left shoulder. Fredericks signature is on the bottom of the base. This sculpture was part of the Board of Directors Fountain for the 1939 New York…
Small scale plaster sketch model for the Cleveland War Memorial Eastern Civilization monolith.
Various images from India and Hindu icons. Represented are Ganesh and the Buddha. Monkeys are also represented because Mr. Fredericks said there are a…
Plaster bird with wings spread outward as if in flight. Beak is open as if to suggest singing. There is a metal rod under the bird's breast to attach it to the rest of the sculpture.
Plaster small-scale model for the Fish Kingdom. Sculpture is cube-like in shape. Depicts a female figure with a fish intertwined around her body. Surface is painted green.