Browse Items (8302 total)

Plaster model of a seated baboon chewing on a plant. He holds the plant in his proper right hand. His knees are apart. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.

Plaster head of baboon on a plaster base.

Nude male figure lifting a barbell with a ball-like weight on each end. He has lifted the barbell to his chest and stands legs spread as if he is about to move the barbell over his head. The plaster has been painted with a gloss white paint.

Sepia print
36" x 27.75"

In 1946, the archdiocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan opened a new church in the Indian River area of northern Michigan. Although the local congregation consisted of only twelve families, the Diocese recognized the need to…

Plaster male figure painted white with arms raised above head. This is the same figure used for the original Cleveland War Memorial proposal.

Graphite on tracing paper
13.75" x 16.5"

In 1946, the archdiocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan opened a new church in the Indian River area of northern Michigan. Although the local congregation consisted of only twelve families, the Diocese…

Sepia print
32.5" x 25.25"

In 1946, the archdiocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan opened a new church in the Indian River area of northern Michigan. Although the local congregation consisted of only twelve families, the Diocese recognized the need to…

Graphite on tracing paper
7.75" x 12"

Six foot aluminum relief "Christ and the Children" commissioned for St. John's Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

35" x 26.5"

The Fountain, also known as the "Cleveland War Memorial", is composed of a large granite basin set with bronze plaques containing the names of men and women who gave their lives for their country. Located within the basin…

14" x 18"

The Fountain, also known as the "Cleveland War Memorial", is composed of a large granite basin set with bronze plaques containing the names of men and women who gave their lives for their country. Located within the basin are…
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