Tags: Animal, Animal Kingdoms, Animal Sculpture, Model, Plasteline, Plasteline Model, Plaster, Plaster Model, Reptile, Sculpture, V0125
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Ape, Ape Fantasy, Monkey, Outdoor Sculpture, Sculpture, V0126
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Baboon, Baboon and Baby (Sitting), Baboon and Baby (Standing), Baby, Egyptian Baboon, Geometric, Plaster, V0201
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Armature, Baboon, Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee, Baby, Chimpanzee, Monkey, Studio, V0202
Tags: Animal, Animal Sculpture, Baboon, Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee, Baby, Chimpanzee, Model, Monkey, Plaster, Plaster Model, V0203
atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2