Browse Items (8302 total)

Graphite and ink on tracing paper
23.75" x 18"

Fredericks designed these reliefs for the Ohio Bureau of Employment and Ohio Department of Transportation in Columbus, Ohio.

The architect of the building, Frederick H. Hobbs, Jr. described the…

Item #6246.jpg
Charcoal on paper
18" x 12"

Fredericks created this sculpture at the request of George Gough Booth, the founder of Cranbrook Educational Community, who wanted a “Thinker” for the steps of the Cranbrook Art Museum similar to Auguste Rodin’s…

Conté crayon on blueline print
9.5" x 15.5"

One of six limestone reliefs for the Ohio Union Building, Ohio State University, Columbus.

The Ohio Union reliefs won an Honorable Mention in Sculpture from the Architectural League of New York in…

Graphite on tracing paper
11" x 14"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front…

Graphite on tracing paper
11' x 14"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front…

Graphite on tracing paper
11" x 14"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front…

Graphite on tracing paper
11" x 14"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front…

Graphite on tracing paper
11" x 14"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front…

Graphite on tracing paper
12" x 18"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in front…

Item #6251.jpg
Graphite on tracing paper
16.5" x 13.75"

The erection of The Spirit of Detroit at the City-County Building (now Coleman A. Young Municipal Center) in 1958 marked the formal completion of the structure whose construction began in 1951. Located in…
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