Horse and Antique Trains [Plaster]
Dublin Core
Horse and Antique Trains [Plaster]
Figure sculpture, American--20th century
Animal sculpture--20th century
Animal sculpture--20th century
Horse and Antique Trains, 1951
Plaster original painted silver
This 44-foot long relief mural was originally located at the Fort Street Union Depot in Detroit, Michigan. It has since been relocated to the
B. & O. Railroad Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. This plaster original is painted silver to more closely resemble the original cast in aluminum. Because it is so long, it was cast in twelve sections, then welded together.
This sculpted mural depicts the development of transportation in America.
According to the dedication program:
"Fredericks chose the modern steam locomotive and a streamlined diesel, which he contrasted with older modes of travel to form a panoramic history of transportation in America (including) Indian riders of the plains, the ox-drawn prairie schooners and stage coaches of the western pioneers, and one of the first wood-burning locomotives. On the right are the high wheel bikes of the 1890s, the runabout and touring car of the early 1900s, the first airplane, and another wood burning locomotive of civil war vintage. The work was designed to convey the impression of life and motion, and at the same time, create sustained interest by depicting many forms of old-time transportation."
When Fredericks first started to do the design for this sculpture he thought of using many forms of transportation rather than just a large train. He claimed it would be "more interesting for people." These same themes are incorporated into the two reliefs centered below The Romance of Transportation, Modern Trains and Horse and Antique Trains. These were located at the main entrance of the Fort Street Union Depot.
Plaster original painted silver
This 44-foot long relief mural was originally located at the Fort Street Union Depot in Detroit, Michigan. It has since been relocated to the
B. & O. Railroad Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. This plaster original is painted silver to more closely resemble the original cast in aluminum. Because it is so long, it was cast in twelve sections, then welded together.
This sculpted mural depicts the development of transportation in America.
According to the dedication program:
"Fredericks chose the modern steam locomotive and a streamlined diesel, which he contrasted with older modes of travel to form a panoramic history of transportation in America (including) Indian riders of the plains, the ox-drawn prairie schooners and stage coaches of the western pioneers, and one of the first wood-burning locomotives. On the right are the high wheel bikes of the 1890s, the runabout and touring car of the early 1900s, the first airplane, and another wood burning locomotive of civil war vintage. The work was designed to convey the impression of life and motion, and at the same time, create sustained interest by depicting many forms of old-time transportation."
When Fredericks first started to do the design for this sculpture he thought of using many forms of transportation rather than just a large train. He claimed it would be "more interesting for people." These same themes are incorporated into the two reliefs centered below The Romance of Transportation, Modern Trains and Horse and Antique Trains. These were located at the main entrance of the Fort Street Union Depot.
Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998
Use of this image requires permission from the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum
University Center (Mich.)
Sculpture Item Type Metadata
Physical Dimensions
39" x 20"
Painted plaster
Catalog Number
Object Location
Main Exhibit Gallery
1989 March, 22 Gift to Museum and SVSU Board of Control
Fredericks, Marshall M., 1908-1998, “Horse and Antique Trains [Plaster],” Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum, accessed March 28, 2025,