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Item #145.jpg
Plaster model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin".

Item #146.jpg
Plaster model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin".

Item #149.jpg
Marshall M. Fredericks in chair sculpting plasteline model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" in his Bloomfield Hills (Greehouse), Michigan studio.

Item #150.jpg
Marshall M. Fredericks sculpting a plasteline model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" in his Bloomfield Hills (Greenhouse), Michigan studio.

Item #151.jpg
Marshall M. Fredericks posing with the full-size plasteline model for "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" in his Bloomfield Hills (Greenhouse), Michigan studio.

Item #152.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" with shims attached in preparation for creating plaster mold.

Item #153.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" with shims attached in preparation for creating plaster mold.

Item #154.jpg
Full-scale model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" covered in plaster with shims dividing it into sections for the creation of a plaster mold.

Item #155.jpg
Full-scale plasteline model of "Baboon Playing a Mandolin" with shims attached in preparation for creating plaster mold.

Item #156.jpg
Full-scale plasteline of "Baboon and Baby Chimpanzee" in Marshall M. Fredericks Bloomfield Hills (Greenhouse), Michigan studio.
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