Browse Items (8302 total)

Metal electric sander.

Welding torch handle for welder.

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Numatic attachment that looks to be some sort of sandblaster. There is a trigger and a fill cap on the top of the bulb.

Soldering gun in gray plastic case. In case is Burnley soldering paste, small spool of solder, and instructions.

Paper bag marked "little Swedish things" with several small metal objects with a point on one end. Primus is a maker of outdoor camping stoves and these appear to be parts or cleaning parts of those stoves. Each is stamped "Sweden, Primus 4605"


Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Red wax residue is on the molds surface.

Black and Decker 3/8" drill. Plastic casing with drill chuck key and gray cord. Drill is gray in color with some tan tape above and below the Black and Decker logo.

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Heavy duty drill made by Mall Tool Company. Has key chuck and black cord and silver steel casing.

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Electric table saw mounted on wood base.

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Lion and Monkey mold. Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Two sections. Written on the mold is "Lion and Monkey, Marshall Fredericks" Mold is bound with a plastic zip tie.
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