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Awls with wood handle.

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Baboon #1 Male, 1939
Plaster original
Sketch model for Baboon Fountain for
World's Fair, 1937 38

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Plaster model of a seated baboon with hands resting on knees looking toward the left. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.

Baboon #2 Female, 1939
Plaster original
Sketch model for Baboon Fountain for World's Fair, 1937 38

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Plaster model of a seated baboon with arms crossing the knees and hands interlocker. This is a female baboon. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.

Plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Two section mold. Written on the mold is "Baboon w hands clasped @ knees". Mold is held together with plastic zip tie.

Two section plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Written on the mold is "Baboon hands resting on knees", "2", and "Baboon". Plaster also has "3/93" written on it. Mold is held together with plastic zip tie.

Baboon #3 (Chewing Plant), 1939
Plaster original
Sketch model for Baboon Fountain for
World's Fair, 1937 38

Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Fredericks

Plaster model of a seated baboon chewing on a plant. He holds the plant in his proper right hand. His knees are apart. 1 of 5 created for the 1939 New York Worlds Fair.

Plaster two plaster mother mold with inner rubber mold and plaster core. Written on mold is "Grass Eater, Baboon" Mold is held together with plastic zip tie.
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