Browse Items (6 total)

Graphite, ink and watercolor on paper
7" x 8"

Adult baboon with baby baboon. Geometric in design. Also known as "Egyptian Baboon"

Plaster and rubber mold with "Egyptian Baboon & Baby Stall B" written on the outside. Plastic band holds mold together.

Plaster and rubber mold with "Egyptian Baboon & Baby Stall B" written on the outside. Plastic strap holds mold together.

Baboon and baby baboon. Overall composition is rectangular in shape. Painted white plaster. Mother baboon holds the baby placed in front of her and both are standing upright.

Adult baboon with baby baboon sitting between the knees of the adult. Overall composition is rectangular in shape. Plaster painted white.

Item #130.jpg
Adult baboon with baby baboon. Geometric in design. Plaster painted white.
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